As the technology is evolving day by day, we are completely privileged to be a part of this era. With the increasing usage of internet, our online institute management system software sets an example to the world of digitization. our application is built using the industry’s best technology stack The framework is designed keeping in mind the low internet bandwidth that normally exist at schools and the UI is created keeping in mind the teachers who do not always have experience working with computers. Our UI consistency in all modules makes our application very intuitive and easy to operate. The year and school granular role based security allows you to control your system access to any level – you can give user year by year and school by school permissions to various functions in the system. It also allows you to give users ‘Read Only’ access to various functions or areas in the application and users can only read the information in those areas and cannot add or edit any records. Our management system software is an all-in-one solution, with the following key attributes:
Manage multiple schools with a centralized database and web deployment. A central management of the application will allow institutions to have tighter control on individual schools and user security permissions. Our College management software is an example of smart working in today's time. It is a single application that can be used for one school or more than one school which makes it very cost effective solution for application maintenance and upgrades. We also provide hosting solutions for smaller schools who cannot have their own hardware infrastructure, this gives institutions peace of mind for not to worry about any hardware or software maintenance and upgrades.
Organization management module allows you to manage schools, building locations, classrooms, announcements and many other data element that can be used across all schools. It also allows you to create academic years, terms, grading elements and announcements and publish it to various schools. This is a security based central data management module that provides easy access to any school and the students records who has an active and inactive enrollment in any school in your organization. Communication to parents through emails or SMS can be easily managed from organization module for fee invoicing, late fee notifications, student absences and much more.
With the need for a systematic working, our institute management software has changed the working capacities of schools and colleges.
School management module is consisting of several school functions that allow the school administrators and office administrative staff to manage school’s day to day activities. It gives complete control over school data based upon user security level. This module allows you to manage student records, grade level records, grade level sections, course master records, master scheduling, student schedules, student grades, student attendance, student discipline, student counselor functions, health records, student letters, progress reports, report cards and consolidated report cards for high school grade levels.
Employee management is very important in every organization and it is more important if the organization is an educational institution. Effective management and leadership of teachers allow you to accomplish your goals in school and have improved education standards of your institution. It allows school administrators to capitalize on the strengths of teachers and their ability to contribute to the accomplishment of educational goals to achieve better student results. Managing employee demographics, attendance, qualifications, certifications, achievements, health records, communication, system access security is as easy as filling an application form online. This module also allows you to setup your own security roles and assign them to your employees.
Our fee management module is a very comprehensive solution for student fee setup, invoicing and receipts. It does so much more than just billing and collections of student fees. By synchronizing with your student data, it continuously manages all aspects of a student's account while simultaneously taking care of the back end accounting of your invoicing and receipts. All the heavy lifting is done for you, making student fee collection easy. Through its intuitive design, it guides you every step of the way. It allows you to create different accounts, fee heads, concessions, fine/penalty setup, payment options, auto-assignment of penalties for late payments, auto-invoicing and online fee payments for parents. In a nutshell all these functions in the system helps you increases your school collections and revenue and save your precious time. The communication function in fee management sends emails and/or SMS to parents automatically when an invoice is generated and fee payment reminders, for late fees and penalties
Class management in our application is designed for teacher’s availability to use the application. We completely understand and agree that the core responsibility of teacher is to teach student and not to spend lot of time on doing the data entry for student grades, attendance, lesson plans and discipline activities. The whole module is designed to make it very intuitive and easy to use by teachers. Using this module, teachers can communicate to parents using parent access, emails and SMS. Teachers can post to parent access, send emails or SMS about student grades, attendance, homework, assignments, meeting requests. Teachers can also respond to parents if the parents have any questions related to their children. The grade book in class management allows teachers to create homeworks, projects and assignments and grade them. They can also enter grades for exams and print unit test report cards, progress report cards, term report cards and annual report cards. They can also create teacher parent meetings and manage notes about each student for that meeting.